Every event we help plan has some element of creative arts involved. With events and gatherings on an indefinite pause, many of these artists and creators are also out of work. Our goal is to give you a one-stop spot to find - and hopefully commission/hire - one of our many local and regional artists and creators to bring some additional beauty to your corners of the world. There are A LOT of artists in Wichita and the surrounding area so please be patient.
This page will be updated and organized by medium, genre, organization, etc in the coming days.
In the meantime, please continue to support our local artists and creators!
If you are a creator who wants to be listed, please send your information to us at Create@ShayChic.com
If you're looking for assistance during this time, check out this list of resources.
Dale Small [Photo + Design] Still booking for any projects relating to graphic design, photography, social media management, motion graphics, and web design. Contact at d.small.photo@gmail.com
William A Stofer Artist-Designer: Art and car show/bike show event creator. Prop maker and industrial security designer organicpublishing.weebly.com (Industrial security design, is glass and window products that shade but provide security and protection) billstofer@gmail.com
Heather Byers I own Feather B and make/ ship handmade stuffed animals. I am also available for drawing/painting/mural projects. My art Instagram is @2dheatherb
Jim Simpson Jimsimpsonartwork.com The majority of my work is acrylic painting. It’s a medium that works well with my method of painting. Other works done in mosaic or sculpture provide a wealth of motifs that find their way back into my easel paintings. If I were to characterize my work in a few words it would be expressive and sincere, I believe the process of letting the image evolve on the surface results in a more authentic and fresh result.
Cort Anderson B&W photography, high end B&W photo printing, photography instruction. cortanderson.com
Jenelle Lori Robinson Jenellerobinson.com i also do illustrations and have a digital branding book on my etsy shop! Printingandhoping
Chloé Gutmann www.chloegutmann.com painter with available works.
Claytique Roses Studios Tony Christenson. Small batch potter specializing in funky flowers. Ceramic roses. Functional pottery and a line of 100% handmade porcelain candle line Pottery@claytiqueroses.com
Amanda Trotter Amanda V. Productions Facebook.com/amandavproductions On location photography - family, senior, kids, pets and portraits.
Aida Bell facebook.com/aidabellart/ I create abstract paintings that express emotions through sculpted art, I might take you on the edge of a cliff where you can feel the power of the wind blowing against your body or the sounds of the waves crashing onto your ears. I might take you where you can feel free and at peace, grounded to earth, surrendering to mother nature grandiosity. I might even connect you to your own deep emotions.
Hunter Sinclair Myers I’m a graphic designer and illustrator. I am taking on projects pertaining to digital marketing (FB ads, e-newsletters, google ads, ebooks, etc), print (physical newsletters, mailers, brochures, signs), and illustration. I also take commissions for pen and ink portraits. Some of my work is available to view at huntermyers.com
Hugo A. Gogo photography + artworks available at Instagram: OVNIHUGO & Hugozeladaromero.com
MLW/Malissa Long Wilson Sewing, fiber art, product development Mlwear.com Instagram: @mlssfshn
Collin Allen I've made just about everything when it comes to art, furniture, jewelry, clothes, and design allenworksart.com
Angie Evans| Angie Evans Fine Art AngieEvansFineArt.com I work with alcohol inks and acrylics with resin. I also use the same techniques for coasters and serving trays and agate-like pendants.
Cooper Blaske Graphic design and illustration Bluescreendesign.com
The Loud Cicada Deliliah Reed Follow the link to check out all of the best things you could buy from my shop! I am doing deliveries to your front porch if ya live in Wichita! ​My work is a reflection of who I am in personality. It is bright and fun and hopefully makes you smile. My primary medium is acrylic paints, but I also love playing with watercolors, chalk, paint, and digital art. What I’m known for in Wichita are my murals along Douglas that have bright, bold color schemes and buggy influences. When expressing myself creatively I tend to focus on themes of nature, nostalgia, and yummy yum yum color palettes that warm my belly. I want to create art that connects with others, be it through a nostalgic memory or by sparking a new emotion or idea in their mind. With my art I have and most likely will always tend more towards that which is “child-like”, carefree, and whimsical. Why draw bugs and nature? I draw things that I am delighted and fascinated by. When I see a cute little bug that I have never seen before my heart flutters and I want to learn more about it! Discovery and exploration are a big drive for me, and after I have learned about something my desire to share my new knowledge with others is immediate.
Eden Quispe www.edenquispe.com
Iris Fletcher I'm an abstract artist work with acrylics.
The Art Park We will be rolling out take home art kits as early as next week and an online daily guided drawing lesson that customers can subscribe to a month at a time.
John Js Studio Watercolor, color pencils and ink. john-js-studio.com
Jamie & Janine Briggeman watercolor paintings Garrett Briggeman watercolor paintings. We are a husband/wife that love to watercolor. Here is my husbands Instagram art page.
Brandon Smith I am intersted in doing faux painting and small mural projects . also ceramics . Paintslayer@gmail.com
Anthony Joiner Curation and organizer. www.hustleandart.com
Jen Hendrickson Hi I can paint and draw in the following mediums: pen pencil gouache acrylic watercolor oils rhinestones feathers glitter etc please visit my page Jenijo's Art-capades Online Art Gallery
Aaron Patton | Fine Art A lot of my artwork for sale is at aaronartpatton.com. Aptly given as my middle name, Art is at the center of who I am. I make things and images because I’d rather let the work speak than do so myself. Born and raised in the American Heartland, this black sheep has had plenty of room to roam.
Ulrick Glen Brown Ugbphoto.com ugbphoto on IG I mainly do selfportraiture and painting ulrickglenbrown@gmail.com or 3162856042
Joshua Prilliman I am an artist here in Wichita. I mostly do acrylic paintings, but I have done watercolor in the past. I have been working on mostly endangered animal pieces, but at the same time I do focus on people as well. My art page is Paint By Peaches
Jen Hendrickson Hi I can paint and draw in the following mediums: pen pencil gouache acrylic watercolor oils rhinestones feathers glitter etc. I paint your fab pets and people by commission as well. PM me for details please visit my page Jenijo's Art-capades Online Art Gallery
Tarah Clark I do Acrylic Paintings from landscapes to floral arrangements. You can see more on my business FB page Tarah Lynn Creations LLC
William A Stofer I'm a lowbrow pop artist, I do pin striping, airbrush, cartoons and drawings, conceptual design, art marketing and events. Prop and sign painter. My website is: organicpublishing.weebly.com
Debra Diver Kaiser vahdebahde@yahoo.com Hutchinson, Kansas
Lisa Hittle Jazz Plus Jazz musician available for large and small events.
Eclectic Eye Photography Photos by Kristen York Arick Specializing in all genres of picture taking in their natural elements. 316-553-1774
*Participating in the #thefrontporchproject http://www.eclecticeyephotography.com/
Patrick Griffin I'll throw my hat in. I dabble in 3D and 2.5D multimedia assemblies. Websites: redbinary.com & ophelion.com Instagram @_ophelion
Malissa Long Wilson MLW/Malissa mlwear.com
DJ Carbon DJ Carbon is one of the premier entertainers in the midwest, known to rock a party for any kind of crowd. He's our first call for any event and is keeping the tunes coming during this challenging time with multiple weekly Quarantine sessions. Check it out here.